
пятница, 6 июня 2014 г.

A Frenzy For Travelling

To move, to breath, to fly, to float, 
To gain all while you give, 
To roam the roads of lands remote, 
To travel is to live 
Hans Christian Andersen

Our passion for adventure is perhaps an essential core of our living spirit. There is a moment in everybody's life when we aren't satisfied in a world by ourselves and become bored with 'living in' and turn it into 'moving to' energy. Somebody feels certain relief in change. People feel some adrenaline rush in being off balance: losing sight of familiar comfort of home and friends. We have only essential things tending towards the eternal, - air, sky, our dreams and memories as a travel-bag. We loose ourselves, and next we find ourselves. We travel to open our eyes and hearts, to see the world, to know the world.
"You'll have to manage without pocket handkerchiefs, and many other
good things, Bilbo Baggins, before we reach our journey's end...
Home is now behind you. The world is ahead"
(Gandalf, "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey")
The desire to move is characteristically human. Travelling is a form of self-education. It is a way to clear and broaden our mind, to enrich our life with new experiences. It gives us a filling of possibility, a new perspective of a new world. These experiences are not always pleasant, but the best things can come from the worst experiences. Many lessons learned on the road can be applied to everyday life too. 
We may come back and find out how belowed our starting point is, or see it with new eyes and extra colours. People enjoy the variety that the world has to offer. But though we pass and repass to find something beautiful, we should carry it with us. We see amazing sights, meet interesting people and learn a lot about ourselves.
As for me, what I like in travelling best of all is changing circumstances and acting in a haphazard way. The worst sides of travelling, in  my opinion, are disgusting toilets I sometimes have to use, comfortless beds and impolite fellow travellers. 
First and utmost, it really doesn't matter where we go or what our external circumstances are finally; it will always depend on our state of mind whether we experience happiness or not. 

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